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Chinese translation for "oxytocic hormone"


Related Translations:
oxytocic:  adj.催产的〔如催产素剂〕。n.催产素。
oxytocic preparation:  催产制剂
oxytocic activity:  催产活性
electronic oxytocic apparatus:  电子催产仪
eletronic oxytocic apparatus:  电子催产仪
eletronic oxytocic a aratus:  电子催产仪
poisoning by oxytocic agent:  催产剂中毒
diapause hormone:  休眠因素滞育激素
hormone implants:  激素埋植剂
Example Sentences:
1.We also studied the following from four aspects including the model of breeding , the time of enjecting oxytocic hormone , the effect of diluent in fertilization and the model of hatching
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